By utilizing ICARUS Ops products or your employment with ICARUS Ops LLC you agree to:

  • Not use our products in guiding any illegal endeavour or in the attempt to violate any law
  • Not attempt to break the security of any computer network or user
  • Not attempt to use ICARUS collected data for any reason other than that stipulated in the Software License and Service agreement.
  • Not attempt to flood our servers or those of our customers
  • Not attempt to reverse engineer or test our system’s vulnerabilities outside of scheduled evaluation periods
  • Not to install any additional software to Mission Critical Mobile devices without notification and consultation with ICARUS Control
  • Not to consume unreasonable or unnecessary amounts of storage within data capture steps. For example, Do not data capture a 5 min video if a simple picture will meet mission requirements
  • Report any detected attempt to break into accounts or profiles
  • Report any possible defect or indiction of trouble to ICARUS Ops as soon as operationally possible